The teacher as a resilience tutor

Supporting people development means knowing how to deal with their vulnerabilities. Those operators who work with those people who society places on the margins due to traumas in their experiences, economic difficulties and cultural barriers know this well. For such people it is essential to develop a certain capacity for resilience, drawing on their own […]

Three ways to train freedom

At least in words, everyone desires freedom. Anyone wants to express his choices without constraints and thus determine his, her own life. The last years, with the pandemic first and with the war re-emerging in Europe, have also brought to light the fragility of freedom, together with its importance, in the Western world. A condition […]

Stress as ally: supercompensation in Aikido

WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behavior recommend at least 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity. On average, an Aikido practitioner attends a class two, three times a week and therefore WHO can be satisfied… Yet obviously the point is another: How can we ensure that every keiko, every training […]

In balance between spontaneity and rules

We talk a lot about spontaneity. Sometimes as if it were an absolute value, as if it were a synonym of authenticity, purity, freedom. Perfection. When applying a technique to a beginner for the first time, we usually witness quite frequent behaviors at a physical level. She/he We can say that they are spontaneous reactions […]

Time lost, time found. In search of lost test.

Every year, more or less during these weeks, our community experiences one of its most important moments, the Evolutionary Seminar. Our Dojo is in fact part of an international community, led by Patrick Cassidy Sensei, who through the stage he holds, offers nurturing ideas and very dense work trajectories to be further investigated. These are […]